Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

Darryl Newton, Managing Director of Factory Media and MPORA.TV

This Brit-based bear launched a standalone action sports web channel for UK's 3.5 million extreme sports fans. I wouldn’t mind seeing him in some Motocross gear!




Thursday, November 13, 2008

Omar Hamoui, Founder & CEO, AdMob

This Woofman is the CEO of one of the fastest-growing mobile companies. HOT!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mark Frohnmayer, Founder, Garage Games

Here at GG I have had a chance to wear many hats: engine programmer and architect, game designer and programmer, producer and executive.



Friday, November 7, 2008

David Edery, worldwide games portfolio manager for Xbox Live Arcade

Woof! David Edery is the worldwide games portfolio manager for Xbox Live Arcade and a research affiliate of the M.I.T. Comparative Media Studies Program. He is also the author of the new book Changing the Game: How Video Games Are Transforming the Future of Business.


Source: http://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/11/05/theres-free-labor-in-video-games/

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Jay Cuthrell, CTO at Digitel

the better lighting and the white wall on 12seconds.tv

For more videos go to: http://12seconds.tv/channel/qthrul

Robby Flannery, Ph.D., Senior Horticulturalist, PlantSense


Robby has been interested in plants and horticulture since his days as a child working in his grandfather's garden. Besides having a vast knowledge of the inner workings of plant anatomy, physiology, morphology and development, Robby is an avid gardener and enjoys the beauty of the horticultural world.


Pete Cashmore of Mashable. Not really a bear, but definitely a cute cub!

Larry Brilliant, executive director, Google.org



Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Andrew Sullivan, The Daily Dish, The Atlantic

Andrew Sullivan, #20 in OUT.com’s annual power 50.



Guy Beaudin the Head of Solutions for PC World Business

A Telegraph Business Club Video MasterClass by Guy Beaudin the Head of Solutions for PC World Business on SMEs and the environment.

Alex Steffen, Executive Editor of Worldchanging

Alex Steffen, Executive Editor of Worldchanging

Dave Camp, Software Engineer, Mozilla